Tabatha Knickerbocker
I grew up in Grand Prairie but have lived in Arlington with my family since 2000. I’ve been a teacher for over 30 years and for more than 20 years, I have taught science to elementary-high school students at Children’s University and Northstar School here in Arlington. Since 2007, I have been actively involved in the Sister City of Arlington program and have had the opportunity to travel to Bad Königshofen twice. In 2014, my passion for science and nature led me to become a Texas Master Naturalist where I became involved in teaching nature education out in the community. In 2017, I was invited to join MPAC where I became involved with the conservation efforts of the Pollinator and Environmental Task Force groups. Recently, I joined Arlington’s Bee City Committee and I’m looking forward to working with this organization as well as MPAC to educate the community about the importance of green spaces and how we can preserve our natural areas in Arlington.
Sheri Capehart
I am a fourth generation Texan and an Arlington resident since 1971. I retired from Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control in 2003 after 19 years. I have been involved with the Arlington Community beginning with creating a neighborhood women’s organization. I became involved with Arlington City issues when a zoning case was going to negatively impact my neighborhood. From a very localized issue my interests and involvement grew to national and international interests by serving on numerous boards and commissions. After 20 years of service as the Arlington District 2 Council member, I retired with the distinction of being the longest serving Arlington City Council member in history. Since city council retirement, I have become the Program Director of Arlington Sister Cities with the responsibility of creating more partnerships with international cities.

First Vice President
Ruby Faye Woolridge

Second Vice-President
Patra Stoemer
I am a retired Senior Manager and Principle Engineer of Systems Engineering from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. I have lived most of my life in Arlington, Texas, and graduated with an engineering degree from UTA. I have been involved in various volunteer activities, including serving as the Chair of the United Way - Arlington Steering Committee and the Tarrant County United Way Board. Currently I participate in the DFW Citizens’ Climate Lobby and Tarrant County Commissioner Simmons’ Citizens’ Environmental Council. I am married with 2 grown children and enjoy ballroom dancing, teaching Zumba, traveling, camping, hiking, and paddle boarding.

Carole Lemonds
I was born in Kansas, but after graduating college and marrying, my husband John and I have lived in 7 different states – a result of work company transfers. Once we settled in Arlngton, Texas in 1977, we decided to stay – changing jobs. We have 3 sons, 5 grandsons, and 4 granddaughters. I taught elementary school a total of 27 years. Being active through PTAs and all the activities that entails, Booster clubs, After Prom Events, Little League baseball, Optimist sports programs, state professional teacher assoc., the local retired teacher’s assoc,, and active church volunteer, has kept and keeps me very involved and active. I have served and continue to serve in many leadership capacities. I have been a member of MPAC since 2015.

Sandy Thomlinson
I have enjoyed being a member of MPAC and working with a wonderful group of smart ladies to help make Arlington a better place to Live, Work and Play. Currently I am working with the environmental group to protect the trees in Arlington. I also try to keep the MPAC website current. Anyone is welcome to send me pictures of events for possible posting on the Events page!

Cheryl Harris
I am a retired IT Manager with the City of Fort Worth. I have been married to Rick over 49 years; we have 2 Children and 4 Grandchildren! I am active community and church volunteer serving as a Sunday School Teacher (Adult Women), Arlington Zoning Board of Adjustments (Chair), Library Advisory Board (Secretary), United Way of Arlington (Chair), Arlington Life Shelter Board, AISD PTA (3 schools), and Leadership Fort Worth Mentor (Middle School Students).

Julie Hunt
I have been an Arlington resident since 1984. I am a licensed professional civil engineer in the State of Texas. I retired from the City of Arlington in 2012 after 28 years working in the Public Works and Water Utilities departments, 7 as the Water Utilities Director. Following my retirement, I worked with the Trinity River Authority for 7 years as Assistant Regional Manager/Operations. Currently, I am the Principal of Hunt Strategies LLC, a management consulting firm. I served on the Arlington Citizen’s Environmental Committee and currently serve on the Landmark Preservation Commission. I am a graduate of Leadership North Texas (Class 8). I joined MPAC in 2020 and enjoy working with this amazing group of women.

April Pettitt
I am a passionate community volunteer and proud product of AISD. I graduated from Bowie and UT Arlington. I am married to my high school sweetheart Chris and we have 1 daughter, Cassidee. We also have two dogs, Happy and Flannel that are Arlington Animal Shelter alums!
About Officers
Officers are elected by the Membership at its annual meeting, to serve for two years.
An officer can serve for up to 3 consecutive terms.