Candidate Breakfast
Candidate Breakfast
MPAC Issues for 2017
Monitor City Council (standing committee) - Members of this committee attend (or monitor) every work session and meeting of the Arlington City Council and distribute summary reports to MPAC members.
Monitor Arlington Tomorrow Foundation (standing committee) - The plan for 2017 for this committee is to observe the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation grant award process to ensure MPAC is well informed and to impact the process as deemed necessary. They will attend as many ATF committee meetings as possible.
Active Adult Center - The goal of this task force was to study the plans for the addition of an Active Adult Center in southwest Arlington and to access pros and cons of the project. During the candidate breakfast in April the candidates were interviewed to determine how well informed they were about this issue.
The proposal for a new Active Adult Center in Arlington passed by citizen vote in the May election.
Civil Service for Firefighters - The goal of this task force was to study and analyze the proposal by the Arlington Firefighters to move to a Civil Service Management system with the city of Arlington. The pros and cons of the system were studied and the candidates were interviewed at the candidate breakfast in April to determine how well informed they were about this issue, which was on the May ballot.
The move to Civil Service Management system for Firefighters passed by citizen vote in May.
Pollinators - The objective of the Pollinator Task Force is to increase citizen awareness of pollinator issues and their importance in our community and to encourage the community to provide and conserve our pollinators and their habitats through education and by providing resources.
Smoke Free Arlington - With every breath in a restaurant or bar that allows smoking, workers are exposed to 7,000 chemicals that cause heart disease, lung cancer, and other serious illnesses. Non-smoking employees smoke the equivalent of up to 36 cigarettes over the course of an 8-hour work shift. The goal of this task force was to support the American Heart Association in an effort to convince the City Council to vote for the comprehensive smoke-free ordinance.
In May, the Arlington City Council passed a smoking ordinance that will save the health and lives of Arlingtonites who work in indoor workspaces.
Strong Neighborhoods - The goal of this taks force is to understand the most important values that make Arlington's neighborhoods strong and desirable environments for our residents. With this understanding, we then want a strong City Council that works towards achieving these values through their planning, budgeting and sponsored programs. We believe the important values for Arlington are:
Local neighborhood leadership and effective communication with city resources
Strength of our schools
Parks and community gathering places
Code enforcement
Security and safety