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MPAC Issues for 2014

Monitor City Council (standing committee) - MPAC members monitor all City Council work sessions and council meetings and provide a detailed report of each to members to be sure they are well-informed about issues as well as involved and engaged. 

City of Arlington Bond Election - This task force will monitor the discussions of the Citizen's Bond Committee and the City Council and evaluate the final 2014 city bond proposal for MPAC's consideration.

Judy Northup wrote a very informative letter to the editor which appeared in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, October 29 edition. Here is what she wrote:

As an Arlington native, Arlington High School and UTA graduate, and founding member of MPAC Arlington, I have a vested interest in making Arlington a better place to live, work and play!

This year MPAC Arlington celebrates 10 years as a nonpartisan PAC of Arlington women leaders working diligently to support projects that make Arlington better.

There are four propositions on the Nov. 4 ballot that are important to Arlington residents no matter what their political party choice.

These propositions are the four bond propositions that will improve Arlington streets, parks, fire facilities and libraries. They were developed by a group of Arlington residents and then went through rigorous review.

The financial policies of the city will ensure they are spent timely and without impact to our property tax rate.

Please join me in making a great choice for Arlington and vote yes to all four propositions for the city of Arlington.

Arlington City Comprehensive Plan - The City of Arlington is undertaking a Comprehensive Planning process, exploring many economic, social and cultural aspects of the City's future. This MPAC task force will work to identify the elements that meet our goal of making Arlington a better place to live, work and play, and will push for successful inclusion of these elements in the Comprehensive Plan.

Tomorrow Foundation - The Arlington Tomorrow Foundation was created to ensure financial resources which are acquired from the City’s natural gas drilling activities today benefit Arlington and its citizens for generations to come. The goal of this task force is to educate ourselves about the Tomorrow Foundation and keep others informed about this organization.

Payday Loans Ordinance - This task force will gather information from key resources regarding the impact of payday lending on Arlington citizens and do research to find out if there are currently any groups working towards implementing local ordinances to stem the expansion of these high-cost loans.

Water Reclamation and Environmental - The goal of this task force is to educate ourselves on water reclamation initiatives in North Texas, learn about the existing governmental authorities responsible for water reclamation oversight and administration and to determine public perception of water reclamation.

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