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About MPAC

MPAC Arlington, Inc. is a Texas nonprofit corporation headquartered in Arlington, Texas, USA. We do not engage in partisan politics, endorse or otherwise support partisan political affairs.  However, we do endorse candidates in municipal elections.  MPAC hosts an annual coffee for Arlington City Council candidates during which they are interviewed regarding their respective stances on issues MPAC members have determined are significant.  Members endorse those candidates they believe will have the most positive impact on the city to make it a better place to live, work and play.

History of MPAC

MPAC was established in on November 10, 2003 by a group of Arlington women actively involved for many years in a variety of community endeavors - from politics to working with local organizations, including those concerned with protecting the environment, as well as youth organizations and schools.

The Impact of MPAC

Each year, MPAC members collectively select and research issues they believe are of importance to Arlington now and in the future and bring this information to the attention of the appropriate city officials. Among the issues MPAC has supported and helped become reality are:

  • SMOKE FREE ARLINGTON - Many MPAC members worked with groups pushing for a Smoke Free environment for Arlington.  MPAC members attended city council meetings and spoke in favor of the Smoke Free Ordinance, which was passed by the city council in May, 2017.
    Visit Smoke-Free Facebook page.


  • WINE AND BEER SALES ELECTION - MPAC helped obtain the required 24,500 signatures to give Arlington citizens the right to decide whether or not to allow wine and beer sales through a local option election. The measure passed by 80 percent.

  • THE RESURRECTION OF CAELUM MOOR - MPAC worked for several years to bring the unique Caelum Moor sculpture out of storage and to its current location between Globe Life Park and AT&T Stadium. MPAC also sold “Art Rocks” t-shirts and donated the proceeds to the Arlington Alliance for the Arts.

  • ADVOCATES FOR THE ANIMALS OF ARLINGTON - MPAC engaged in activities to promote a new Arlington Animal Services Center, including serving on its advisory board and raising funds. The shelter is now a reality for neglected and abused animals.

  • THE REINSTATEMENT OF TEEN COURT - MPAC communicated with the mayor, city council and other city officials to advocate the reinstatement of Teen Court, a valuable student and civic resource for youth. MPAC also secured Teen Court volunteers to provide administrative support.

  • RESIDENTIAL TREE ORDINANCE - MPAC encouraged the Arlington City Council to consider revisions to the landscape ordinance related to the protection of trees. This included reducing storm water runoff problems that cause frequent flooding and property damage. MPAC members worked diligently to persuade city council and the mayor that a residential tree ordinance would preserve Arlington's trees. City Council passed the ordinance.

  • SUPPORT OF SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CLINICS - MPAC advocated for the continuance and expansion of John Peter Smith Hospital’s three School-Based Health Clinics (SBHC) to include an additional clinic. MPAC partnered with the Arlington Independent School District to secure a federal grant to continue the program.

  • PAYDAY LOAN REGULATION - MPAC members have monitored the ongoing city and state effort to regulate the payday loan business.  We are tremendously pleased that in the fall of 2015 the city council unanimously adopted a local ordinance regulating some aspects of payday loans. In May, 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced a regulation requiring payday loan companies to document borrower’s income and expenses in order to determine his/her ability to repay the loan.  This is a good idea, but may be hard for the CFPB to enforce.  The bureau is promising more regulations in 2017.  In 2007, Congress passed the Military Lending Act, which set up stricter standards to protect our service members from predatory lending.  Something similar is still needed for everyone in the US. One really nice bit of news is that Google will not accept payday lending ads starting on July 13, 2016.  Many loans are arranged online, so less advertising should curtail a few loans.

Ongoing Projects

MPAC members monitor all Arlington City Council work sessions and council meetings and provide a detailed report of each to members to be sure they are well-informed about issues as well as involved and engaged.

MPAC also hosts an annual breakfast for Arlington City Council candidates during which they are interviewed regarding their respective stances on issues MPAC members have determined are significant. Members endorse those candidates they believe will have the most positive impact on the city to make it a better place to live, work and play.

Joining MPAC

Candidates for MPAC membership must be nominated by at least one current voting member.  Membership is open after the city council elections through the end of the year. Each member may nominate two candidates for membership each year.

MPAC members have served or are now serving as members of the following Arlington Boards and Commissions

  • American Heart Association

  • Animal Services Center Advisory Board

  • Arlington Independence Day Association

  • Arlington Art Museum

  • Arlington Chamber of Commerce

  • Arlington Conservation Council

  • Arlington Historical Association

  • Arlington Life Shelter

  • Association of University Women

  • Building Code Board of Appeals

  • Citizens’ Environmental Committee

  • Ethics Review Commission

  • Helping Restore Ability

  • Keep Arlington Beautiful

  • Landmark Preservation Commission

  • Library Board

  • License and Amortization Appeal Board

  • North Texas Health Alliance

  • North Texas Higher Education Authority

  • Open Arms Clinic

  • Park and Recreation Board

  • Planning and Zoning Commission

  • River Legacy Projects Committee

  • Sister Cities

  • Smokefree Texas Leadership Council

  • Special Transportation Advisory Board

  • Teen Court Advisory Board

  • Theater Arlington

  • UTA Alumni Association

  • UTA Retirees Club

  • Zoning Board of Adjustment

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